Last July 28 and 31, the school invited speakers from different colleges and universities who then shared insights about their institutions to the grades 9 and 10 students.
02 Aug 2016
Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.
BF Skinner
This was a quote by the late American Psychologist, BF Skinner. Perhaps, this particular message is something worth pondering about especially that we need to determine what the true meaning of education is. It has been a common conception that what matters in school is for the students to excel in academics so that they may achieve all of their goals. However, this shouldn’t always be the case because students would then tend to focus on the grades rather than the actual learning, which also gives less room for them to discover what they are passionate about. Instead of dwelling on the numbers, it would be more essential for the students to develop the skills and talents that they are equipped with. So how do we assist them in exploring these gifts? Creative Middle School believes that providing the students with enough exposure for them to get to know more about their potentials is a key factor in learning.
Last July 28 and 31, the school invited speakers from different colleges and universities who then shared insights about their institutions to the grades 9 and 10 students. The short talks given by each speaker allowed the students to get a glimpse of college life, which made all of them excited as they were able to further inquire more about their different career opportunities.